Installment Loans Work "For millions of American families, living paycheck to paycheck is nothing new, and accessing credit or bank loans isn’t a real option. This means that when it comes to borrowing money, many consumers have limited choices. This problem is exacerbated as lenders face increased...
Credit scores can be a bit mysterious. Here are a few of the most common misunderstandings about credit scores:
If you are already making on-time payments on your loans and credit cards, you are on your way to a better credit score. In fact, you may see your scores rise a bit each month as you establish a good payment history. If you are rebuilding credit, or are ready to take your credit score to the next...
After the personal information of 145.5 million people was exposed to hackers during the Equifax security breach last year, the company offered to waive the normal fees to freeze credit reports for individuals if they received a request to do so before January 31, 2018.