As the year draws to a close, it’s tempting to focus solely on holiday festivities, but it’s also a great time to start thinking about the upcoming tax season. Preparing your taxes early can relieve a lot of stress and allow you to enter the new year with confidence and financial clarity.
A Tax Advance Loan uses the taxpayer’s anticipated tax refund as security against a loan for the same or a lesser amount of money.
If you're heading to the mall this weekend for back-to-school shopping, you might want to wait until the first weekend in August. Every year, during the first weekend of August in South Carolina, shoppers can save some money on back-to-school purchases during the Sales Tax Holiday.
As the tax season unfolds and the April 15th deadline looms closer, taxpayers are eager to anticipate their refunds. Filing your taxes early and electronically remains one of the surefire ways to expedite the process, with the IRS typically issuing refunds within 21 days of filing. However, for...