Having money set aside to cover minor emergencies, funding your retirement, and knowing that if you lost your job you could still pay the bills for a few months offers the kind of peace-of-mind that makes saving money worth the effort.
Sticking to a budget presents a challenge for many people. For some, using budgeting software helps make the process of allocating income to categories easier. Having constant access to your budget, even when you are out and about, helps keep financial goals front and center.
There’s more to financial responsibility than having a budget. It’s a great place to start, but living within your means is a crucial money-management skill.
After Equifax’s huge data breach last year, 145 million consumers were at risk of identity theft. Equifax offered free credit freezes to people affected by the information hack until June 2018. Lawmakers say it’s not enough and consumers shouldn’t have to pay fees to lock down their personal...