Payment history tips Did you know that the most important thing you can do to keep your credit score in good shape is to pay your bills on time? Credit history accounts for 35% of your FICO credit score. Making just one payment more than 30 days late could result in a drop in your score and a...
What to do first When you have a good credit score you tend to qualify for better interest rates on loans. These can range from personal loans to mortgages. While there are financial products available for nearly any credit situation, good credit generally saves you money in the amount of fees and...
About 7% of households in American don’t have a bank account. That number is falling, but for many people, accessing basic financial services can be difficult. Steep fees, unfriendly service, and minimum balance requirements are just a few of the reasons some people choose not to use banks. Even...
If you feel like you haven’t saved enough for retirement, you aren’t alone. The Economic Policy Institute tracks how much Americans save for retirement, and their findings show that most people aren’t contributing enough to their nest egg to keep them from having to depend on Social Security for...