If you aren’t sure you’ll make the upcoming April 15 deadline to file your 2020 taxes, there’s an easy way for you to get an extension on the paperwork. This means you’ll have a few extra months to get your tax returns prepared, whether you do them yourself or hire a tax professional.
You paid too much money to the government last year in taxes, have filed the appropriate paperwork, and are due a refund. At this point, you may be wondering how soon you’ll get your money back.
There have been a lot of changes to the tax code, and you’ll see some differences in your 2018 taxes this year as a result. For most people, the changes will be minor.
Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) is a benefit for people who have incomes at or under certain levels. This tax credit reduces the total amount of taxes you owe and in many cases, if you qualify you’ll get a larger tax refund.